Regal Chess Rules




Regal chess is a game played on a 14 X 14 chess board and highlights the original 8 by 8
chessboard at the centre of the game . The game is played with 28 pawns four rooks 4 knights 4
Bishop’s 1 Queen and one king and one Queen extra. Your board is to be set up with the black square at
the bottom left. Queen on her own color.

You get to resurrect your piece and get your extra Queen at the eleventh row of the board. This
is the final row of the highlighted original chess board and it is three squares from the end of the game.
This is where you resurrect pieces which have fallen or you get you or you collect your second Queen.

The back row is Queen , Bishop , knight , rook ,Bishop , knight , rook
R , KN. ,BISH , R ,KN., BISH , QW. , KING ,BISH. , KN. ,R ,BISH ,KN., R ..
And it would be king ,bishop, knight, rook, bishop, knight, rook

The pawn can move forward two squares at any time but it doesn’t have to, it can move one if it
wants . This game focuses on the fact that the pawn can move two at any time and there’s no limits that
the pawn can move two squares.

Now you’ve established your back row. And you’ve established that you’ve got two rows of
Pawns in front of your back row . You realize that when you move your 30 pawn moves 10 at a time. You
have to open up and let the back row breathe . You don’t want to be spending time moving pawn moves
after you have done your 30 opening pawn moves. You want to be working at moving or developing
your back row immediately following your opening pawn moves.

The game starts by alternating 10 pawn moves between white and black . 30 pawn moves have
to be achieved before you can start the game. White would move 10 pawn moves Black woud move 10
pawn moves Etc. until you reach 30 pawn moves. Pawns move forward one or two squares but it’s at
your discretion.

You then start regular play by alternating moves ,as in regular chess white would go first.

If the king moves forward to the highlighted original chess square board in the paint he empowers
the pawns to move and kill like him

If the queen moves forward to the highlighted chessboard in the paint she empowers the
knight to move and kill like a king.

Chess rules apply . You win by checkmate or if your opponent concedes. Stalemate is when you
repeat three moves back and forth three times without proper conclusion


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